Hosting SoulForce

On Sunday evening, March 4, 2012, Jonathan Nichols, Jim Davis, and I had the great privilege of hosting SoulForce’s 2012 Equality Riders for a meal in Greenville, SC. This was the first day of their 2012 Equality Ride and Greenville was a quick stop on their way to Atlanta.


When SoulForce came to Bob Jones University in 2007, work obligations kept me from being able to join them, so it was a real treat to spend some time with these amazing individuals. They were all instantly warm and friendly, the type of people that will be able to comfortably engage with the schools and the students they are visiting this year. I wish the time had been available to have conversations with each of the riders, but I enjoyed immensely an hour or so of fellowship with Cole Parke, Matt Steele, Ibrahim Vicks, and Zachary Pullin.   I also enjoyed getting to shake the hand of each rider and welcome them to Greenville on behalf of  I know that this team is going to be greatly effective in helping to create much-needed dialogue with and about lgbt people at universities and colleges all over America.

To the SoulForce 2012 Equality Riders: Thank you for letting us host you in Greenville! Our thoughts and prayers are with you on this journey you have just begun. Whether or not you see any immediate results of your efforts, know that the work you are doing is reaching people and changing lives. Godspeed on your journey!

David Diachenko
Director of Greenville Outreach
Member, provisional Board of Directors