Demand an Apology

Today seems a good day to remind our readers of the petition we have been circulating demanding an apology for hate speech and homophobic rants by Bob Jones, III, chancellor of Bob Jones University, who has called for the stoning death of all homosexual people. If you haven’t already, please do so today. We need your help!


  1. Jeff Brown says:

    Can I read the statement that Bob Jones made? Why is there not a link to this?

    • lgbtbju says:

      Dear Jeff,
      If you follow the link to our petition, you will find all the documentary evidence you require on the petition form, including a pdf of a LexisNexis search with an Associated Press article documenting the quote.

      Also, on the first day of our blog, we provided even more information than may be found on the site.

      Hope you’ll find this helpful.


      Jeffrey Hoffman
      provisional Executive Director