Jared Porter, Part Two

BJU, BA 2005 - church music; MA 2007 - dramatic production

ed. note: Yesterday, we published part one of Jared Porter’s amazing story. Today, we present its happy conclusion.

Jared Porter

Jared Porter

(Flashback to college.)

My great-grandfather, Ford Porter, was referred to as “The Man of God Who Prayed.” He would preach through tears about how praying fervently would bend God’s heart. He spent hours in prayer each morning on his knees. And just as my great-grandfather prayed daily through tears to God, so did I pray – in full sincerity from the very core of my being, daily for years with tears in my eyes – that God would change me. And I prayed for victory over my “struggle.”

Jared's great-grandfather, Ford Porter, known as "The Man of God Who Prayed"

Jared’s great-grandfather, Ford Porter, known as “The Man of God Who Prayed”

I used to frequent a prayer room in the basement of Johnson dormitory at BJU. It was dark and quiet there, and a welcomed change from the fast-paced campus. In the corner I would pray with tears in my eyes for as long as I could spare before my next scheduled obligation.

PROTAGONIST: (unable to sit still, squirms, wringing hands) Please, God. PLEASE! Help me. I can’t do this on my own. I’ve never felt so alone. So helpless. So scared. You know I don’t want this. You know I’m tormented by this. PLEASE TAKE “IT” AWAY! Please send me some help! I can’t go on much longer.

I couldn’t even refer to “it” by name to God. If I had been alone in a place where nobody else could hear me, I would have SCREAMED for God to help me.

Not one bit of me wanted this trait to remain a part of me. All through the day, when I’d pass a hot guy on campus (that darn hottie was another Antagonist), I’d pray. At bedtime, I would pray, usually through tears. If I didn’t start out praying, I’d be flooded with guilt and fears. Praying at least allowed me to fall asleep before that. This was EVERY DAY.

But change did not come. Victory did not come. Nothing happened except my constant fighting. This God that I believed cared for me and had the power to change me, or at the very least give me some sort of victory, even for a brief time, had not enabled any of this in my life.



I was set so far back by the University’s teachings that during my college years, when everyone else is getting to know themselves and what they should do / where they should go, I got to know how to deny myself. I also got to be pretty good at ignoring the pain – a survival skill you kinda have to acquire at BJU. I don’t know how I made it through all 7 years alive. I really don’t.

I moved far away from my family and BJU as soon as I graduated. I needed time and space to figure this thing out. And for the first time, I allowed myself to question. If only I had help to figure this out. I needed to find peace of mind. So I stopped reading the Bible, I ignored the sermons at church, I stopped praying, and I stopped letting what my parents said on the phone get to me. And finally there was enough distance from the myriad of voices that I could begin to evaluate. And once I got there, I actually WANTED to ask God for an opinion. And though it took (SO MUCH) time, I could FINALLY hear God say,

KIND GOD: (whispering) You are truly made in my image – every part of you. I made you perfectly. I made you to love. Love fully.

Fabio and Jared

Fabio and Jared

And when I met my husband Fabio for the first time, I understood God’s nature far better than I had at any “revival” phase of my life. We were married this past summer in Washington, D.C.


God delights when we love. And I love my husband. Not all gays are train wrecks like we are taught at BJU. But many have been conditioned to believe that because they are gay, they will have sex with every hot guy they meet, never establishing any long-lasting relationship.

If I had not chosen honesty, if I had not chosen to “separate” myself from all other influences for a time, I would have missed out on the greatest moments of my life.

Meeting Fabio changed my entire life. (Insert tremendous amounts of gushing.) I have never had a friend like him, never been so entirely loved, never been so supported. Fabio is my partner in everything. I am more grateful to God for Fabio than anything.


The more BJU and IFB churches continue such fiery preaching, the more fear and spiritual slavery will follow. It’s time to acknowledge the harm done. It’s time to stop the hatred. It’s time to apologize. And it’s time to heal.

With or without an apology, I’m moving forward. As Jennifer Knapp said, I too am “trying to live the spiritual life that I’ve been called to, in whatever ramshackled, broken, frustrated way that I’ve always approached my faith.” 

I am grateful that I DO have a place to serve as pianist for my UCC church. We sing “Let There Be Peace on Earth” at the end of every service. My pastor (a woman!) said today that “love is contagious.” She continued to discuss the “cost of compassion.” What a difference from my past!

To be honest, I’m not exactly sure at this point what type of salvation is really necessary… And I have not given myself a deadline on when I will have that figured out. But I can say that the Jesus of the New Testament has been a constant source of strength for me. In that way, he has been constantly saving me from the darkness that tries to surround my soul when I let those issues from the past get to me. Maybe some day that darkness will be gone.

One of the hymn texts that has never let me go is “Our Great Savior.”

Jesus! What a FRIEND for sinners!
Jesus! LOVER of my soul;
Friends may fail me, foes assail me,
He, my Savior, makes me WHOLE.

Jesus! What a help in SORROW!
While the billows o’er me roll,
He, my comfort, helps my soul.

Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Hallelujah! What a Friend!
He is with me to…

…the end.



I just learned that a friend of mine tried to end his life very recently because of this same issue. I immediately began praying. Clearly God doesn’t want this to keep happening. Just praying isn’t enough. What are you doing to stop it?

We have a petition that will help. I was one of the first to sign the petition. Please sign. 

Rev. Mark Sandlin speaks much better than I do on this subject, so I recommend reading his article “Clobbering ‘Biblical’ Gay Bashing.” If you can get past the title, his discussion of context and word meanings of certain bible texts is straightforward and helpful. 

Friend, you do not have to go through this alone. I have a band of brothers (ed. note: and sisters) now who understand from experience. I have friends who know the truth about me and truly care for me. I have my “Tampa Family” that keeps growing. I have my UCC family. And I have God again. I am no longer alone. I just wish I had known of this support when I felt so alone and hopeless. You don’t have to feel like that. Reach out to us.

In the words of Stephen Sondheim:

Hard to see the light now
Just don’t let it go
Things will come out right now
We can make it so
Someone is on your side
No one is alone


  1. Abby says:

    Bravo! Amazing story. So open, so raw, so real. You are blessed beyond measure Jared :-). Thank you for sharing!

  2. Debby says:

    Jared, thank you for sharing your story. Thank you for helping me understand.
    With sincerity and love~ Debby Bain Whitsitt

  3. Curt Allison says:

    “Hallelujah, what a Saviour! Hallelujah, what a Friend! He is with me to the end.” One of my favourite hymns as well Jared. Your story is quite simply amazing. Thanks again for sharing my friend. Rich blessings to you and Fabio!

  4. David says:

    Your story–and the presence of this group–is nothing short of miraculous to me! Proof that the Holy Spirit is moving and that God is still speaking. Thank you so much for your courage and for demonstrating all the ways that love casts out fear. I’m also the product of a fundamentalist Baptist background, and came this close to attending Bob Jones University. Twenty years later, I am still in the process of healing and unlearning. Hallelujah, indeed.

  5. Brenda says:

    Jared, thank you for sharing your story. For so many years we were “kept out” of your life and had no idea what you were going through. You do still have family that loves you and always will. Megan talks about friends that she knows that have gone through with suicide because their family has disowned them or their guilt was to strong to deal with the situation. Your story is inspirational and heart felt and maybe you should consider talking to teens (and maybe parents). You never know who you might save by sharing your story. Love you! Brenda

  6. Tricia says:


    I truly understand the goal for your petition. My father is the king of all fundamentalist and he never apologized for anything…right or wrong he was always right! I may be a little hard around the edges because of everything I had to endure growing up but I have learned to be ok with myself and expect nothing from people who think they are better than everyone else. If people could only remember their righteousness is like filthy rags compared to the Glory of God, maybe they could look past the imperfections of others. Most of us do the best we can with what we are given.

  7. Nancy M says:

    oh Jared, I was so eager to get to read the second half of your story! love the pic of you and yours. 🙂 I just want to reach out and hug on you two. I was so surprised when you quoted this hymn because yesterday those very words had come to my mind-Jesus, Lover of my soul. Those words comforted me yesterday thru a less than favorable holiday. Your story brings hope and encouragement. It was meant to be told here. Thank you!

  8. BK says:

    Such a powerful, hopeful story! Thank you (really, all who have courageously shared your stories here) for the insight into your internal struggles. Those of us who are straight truly have no concept of your painful soul-searching and internal battles.

    I’m sorry for my part in adding to or ignoring the burdens of my LGBT brothers and sisters rather than helping to bear them with you. I’m sorry for making assumptions about what it means to be both gay and Christian. Most of all, I’m sorry that I condoned (and utilized) abusive measures to discourage “gayness.” May God forgive me.

    • lgbtbju says:

      Not only does God forgive you, but so do we. Your love and support are so appreciated… and so crucial in this time. It is time for change.

      Jeffrey Hoffman
      provisional Executive Director

  9. Bill C says:

    Jared, thanks for contributing this article. No telling how the ripple effect with spread it and benefit so many others. I was reading it, and these words by Robert Lowry (1826-1899), alt. Pete Seeger came to mind. Judy Collins recorded it in 2005.

    How Can I Keep From Singing

    My life flows on in endless song
    Above earth’s lamentation
    I hear the real, though far off hymn
    That hails the new creation.

    Above the tumult and the strife
    I hear the music ringing
    It sounds an echo in my soul
    How can I keep from singing

    What through the tempest loudly roars
    I hear the truth, it livith
    What through the darkness round me close
    Songs in the night it givith

    No storm can shake my inmost calm
    While to that rock I’m clinging
    Since LOVE is lord of Heaven and Earth
    How can I keep from singing!

    When tyrants tremble, sick with fear
    And hear their death-knell ringing
    When friends rejoice both far and near
    How can I keep from singing!

    In prison cell and dungeon vile
    Our thoughts to them are winging
    When friends by shame are undefiled
    How can I keep from singing!

    My life flows on in endless song
    Above Earth’s lamentation
    I hear the real, though far off hymn
    That hails a new creation

    Above the tumult and the strife
    I hear the music ringing
    It sounds an echo in my soul
    How can I keep from singing!

  10. Bob says:

    Your story really has moved me! I also came from a fundamentalist Baptist background, attended LAMP at Northland, went to the Wilds for several summers and came very close to going to BJU as well. Instead, I ended up going to a Southern Baptist school instead (GASP, those liberals)!

    The courage you have is nothing short of miraculous. I’m 37 now and am still having a hard time fully coming out to my family. Luckly, I never married and wouldn’t admit I was gay until just 3 years ago. So happy you found peace and a wonderful partner!

  11. Jeremy (obvious fake name) Seiker says:

    Dear Mr Porter (Or whatever your last name is),
    This is one of your old students at the christian school and I wanted to say I would have loved you gay straight bi whatever you were my hero in music and theater when you left I was crushed.. my hero aas gone.. I always wondered why and so I looked you up and I found this I cried a little I understood why you left.. and I’m gay too. Well bi mostly I to men.
    P.s. if Mr. Fabio wouldn’t have married you I would have well bye miss you!
    -From your ex-student, friend, bestie